Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gone Huntin'

To my loyal fans (all ten of you):

I am out this weekend tomb hunting*. Enjoy your holiday weekend and I'll be back on Tuesday with brand new wrecks.


*Also attending various BBQs.


  1. Count me as one of those loyal fans (even though I don't have an account in anything and have to be Anonymous)! I check for updates every morning, it's part of my routine! Have you thought about joining the cheezburger network? Good luck tomb hunting!

  2. Enjoy your break from tombstones on the biggest tombstone weekend of them all.
    (ah, the irony)

  3. I too am an anonymous fan. Now your number's up to 12. I check your blog every day. Its kinda like flipping thru a headstone catalog. Hey,we're all gonna need one someday! Might as well look at all the options. Happy headstone hopping!
